Answer : An Iguana is heavier than a Muskrat
The average weight of an Iguana is 5 kg, (11 lbs) and for a Muskrat the average is 2 kg, (4 lbs)
Name | Name:Iguana | Name:Muskrat |
Weight | Weight:5 kg, (11 lbs) | Weight:2 kg, (4 lbs) |
| * Common Green Iguana - ranges from 4 to 6kg | * ranges from .6 to 2kg |
Height | Height:n/a | Height:n/a |
Top Speed | Top Speed:35 kph, (22 mph) | Top Speed:n/a |
Lifespan in Wild (years) | Lifespan in Wild (years):18 | Lifespan in Wild (years):2 |
Description | Description:Common green iguanas live throughout Central to South America and it is the largest known lizard that loves to dwell on tree canopies. They act frozen when threatened but once caught, it will whip its tail and rotate wildly. Its skin is traded as luxury leather. | Description:Muskrats live in wet environments in Northern America. They are excellent swimmers with a speed of up to 4kph in water. They have dense fur which traps air underneath it and also provides insulation. |
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