Answer : A Monkey is taller than a Budgerigar
The average height of a Budgerigar is 17 cm, (6.7 in ) and for a Monkey the average height is 31 cm, (1 ft, .2 in )
Name | Name:Budgerigar | Name:Monkey |
Height | Height:17 cm, (6.7 in ) | Height:31 cm, (1 ft, .2 in ) |
| * ranges from 15 to 20cm | * Squirrel Monkey - ranges from 25 to 36cm |
Weight | Weight:n/a | Weight:1 kg, (2 lbs) |
Top Speed | Top Speed:42 kph, (26 mph) | Top Speed:35 kph, (22 mph) |
Lifespan in Wild (years) | Lifespan in Wild (years):4 | Lifespan in Wild (years):15 |
Description | Description:The budgerigar is a small bird from Australia. It is similar to a parakeet and is brightly colored in grey, green, yellow, blue, black, and white. It is believed that this is a species of parrot, and is thus the smallest parrot species, known. | Description:Squirrel monkeys have distinctive bright yellow legs and tails of up to 16 inches in length. These long tails provide good balance for tree climbers. These are extremely social monkeys that noisily move about trees in large troops of as many as 500. |
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