Answer : No, a Gopher is not heavier than an Opossum
The average weight of a Gopher is 1 kg, (2 lbs) versus 3 kg, (7 lbs) for an Opossum
Name | Name:Gopher | Name:Opossum |
Weight | Weight:1 kg, (2 lbs) | Weight:3 kg, (7 lbs) |
| * ranges from .22 to 1kg | * ranges from .5 to 6kg |
Height | Height:22 cm, (8.7 in ) | Height:20 cm, (7.9 in ) |
Top Speed | Top Speed:25 kph, (16 mph) | Top Speed:25 kph, (16 mph) |
Lifespan in Wild (years) | Lifespan in Wild (years):4 | Lifespan in Wild (years):2 |
Description | Description:Gophers are small brown or tan mammals that live under the ground and eat roots. They have long front teeth and chubby cheeks. They are known for creating mounds of dirt where they have been. | Description:Opossums live in dry habitats throughout South and Central America. They have pouches where they carry their babies after birth, and are known for hanging upside down from their tails, and playing dead when threatened. |
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