Answer : Yes, a Giraffe is heavier than a Chipmunk
The average weight of a Giraffe is 1400 kg, (3086 lbs) versus 1 kg, (2 lbs) for a Chipmunk
Name | Name:Giraffe | Name:Chipmunk |
Weight | Weight:1400 kg, (3086 lbs) | Weight:1 kg, (2 lbs) |
| * ranges from 550 to 1,930kg | * ranges from .057 to .113kg |
Height | Height:500 cm, (16 ft, 4.9 in ) | Height:14 cm, (5.5 in ) |
Top Speed | Top Speed:48 kph, (30 mph) | Top Speed:33 kph, (21 mph) |
Lifespan in Wild (years) | Lifespan in Wild (years):22 | Lifespan in Wild (years):6 |
Description | Description:A giraffe is known for having a very long neck, which is useful for reaching the leaves of trees to eat. They are a light brown, tan, or yellow in color, and have large dark spots. Their legs are very thin, and give the giraffe a somewhat awkward appearance. | Description:Chipmunks are rodents that are native to North America and some European countries.They eat frogs, mushrooms, birds, eggs, plants, nuts, and seeds. In the autumn, the chipmunks begin to gather their winter food to store in their burrows for winter. |
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Name:Giraffe |
Weight:1400 kg, (3086 lbs) |
* ranges from 550 to 1,930kg |
Height:500 cm, (16 ft, 4.9 in ) |
Top Speed:48 kph, (30 mph) |
Lifespan in Wild (years):22 |
Description:A giraffe is known for having a very long neck, which is useful for reaching the leaves of trees to eat. They are a light brown, tan, or yellow in color, and have large dark spots. Their legs are very thin, and give the giraffe a somewhat awkward appearance. |