Answer : A Platypus is lighter than a Giraffe
The average weight of a Giraffe is 1400 kg, (3086 lbs) and the average weight of a Platypus is 2 kg, (4 lbs)
Name | Name:Giraffe | Name:Platypus |
Weight | Weight:1400 kg, (3086 lbs) | Weight:2 kg, (4 lbs) |
| * ranges from 550 to 1,930kg | * Duck Billed Platypus - ranges from .7 to 2.4kg |
Height | Height:500 cm, (16 ft, 4.9 in ) | Height:16 cm, (6.3 in ) |
Top Speed | Top Speed:48 kph, (30 mph) | Top Speed:35 kph, (22 mph) |
Lifespan in Wild (years) | Lifespan in Wild (years):22 | Lifespan in Wild (years):6 |
Description | Description:A giraffe is known for having a very long neck, which is useful for reaching the leaves of trees to eat. They are a light brown, tan, or yellow in color, and have large dark spots. Their legs are very thin, and give the giraffe a somewhat awkward appearance. | Description:The duck billed platypus lives in Tasmania and eastern Australia. It is among the rare sort of mammals that lay eggs. It has otter-like feet, a duck-like bill, and a beaver-like tail. They locate prey by electric fields. Males have poisonous spikes that are very painful to humans. |
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Name:Giraffe |
Weight:1400 kg, (3086 lbs) |
* ranges from 550 to 1,930kg |
Height:500 cm, (16 ft, 4.9 in ) |
Top Speed:48 kph, (30 mph) |
Lifespan in Wild (years):22 |
Description:A giraffe is known for having a very long neck, which is useful for reaching the leaves of trees to eat. They are a light brown, tan, or yellow in color, and have large dark spots. Their legs are very thin, and give the giraffe a somewhat awkward appearance. |