Which is heavier, a Hog or a Dromedary?

Answer : A Dromedary is heavier than a Hog
The average weight of a Hog is 200 kg, (441 lbs) and for a Dromedary the average is 450 kg, (992 lbs)
WeightWeight:200 kg, (441 lbs)Weight:450 kg, (992 lbs)
* Forest Hog - ranges from 180 to 275kg* ranges from 300 to 600kg
HeightHeight:90 cm, (2 ft, 11.4 in )Height:185 cm, (6 ft, .8 in )
Top SpeedTop Speed:n/aTop Speed:64 kph, (40 mph)
Lifespan in Wild (years)Lifespan in Wild (years):11Lifespan in Wild (years):45
DescriptionDescription:Forest hogs are the largest of wild pigs and are mainly found in Africa. They are shy and anti-social. Still, these boar-like mammals engage in two forms of fighting: snout pushing and forehead ramming.Description:Dromedaries are large desert animals which people can ride on or use for carrying packs. They have one or two large humps on their on backs and can be cream, tan, brown, or black in color.
Weight:200 kg, (441 lbs)
* Forest Hog - ranges from 180 to 275kg
Height:90 cm, (2 ft, 11.4 in )
Top Speed:n/a
Lifespan in Wild (years):11
Description:Forest hogs are the largest of wild pigs and are mainly found in Africa. They are shy and anti-social. Still, these boar-like mammals engage in two forms of fighting: snout pushing and forehead ramming.
Weight:450 kg, (992 lbs)
* ranges from 300 to 600kg
Height:185 cm, (6 ft, .8 in )
Top Speed:64 kph, (40 mph)
Lifespan in Wild (years):45
Description:Dromedaries are large desert animals which people can ride on or use for carrying packs. They have one or two large humps on their on backs and can be cream, tan, brown, or black in color.

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