Name | Name:Koala | Name:Orangutan |
Top Speed | Top Speed:10 kph, (6 mph) | Top Speed:6 kph, (4 mph) |
Height | Height:73 cm, (2 ft, 4.7 in ) | Height:138 cm, (4 ft, 6.3 in ) |
Weight | Weight:8 kg, (18 lbs) | Weight:70 kg, (154 lbs) |
Lifespan in Wild (years) | Lifespan in Wild (years):13 | Lifespan in Wild (years):35 |
Description | Description:Koalas eat the eucalyptus leaves of trees in Australia. They have large, wide faces, white ears and smooth black noses which all make them look like small bears. They live a very low energy lifestyle and sleep 18 hours a day. | Description:Orangutans the only apes that live outside of Africa. They are adept climbers, with long arms to swing from one branch to another, and live most of their lives in the trees. Males use their throat pouches to produce deep, long calls to attract females and intimidate enemies. They are an orangish brown in color. |
| ![/pics/items/animals/Koala](/pics/items/animals/Koala.jpg) | ![/pics/items/animals/Orangutan](/pics/items/animals/Orangutan.jpg) |