Answer : A Rat is slower than a Gopher
A Gopher has an average top speed of 25 kph, (16 mph) and for a Rat it is 13 kph, (8 mph)
Name | Name:Gopher | Name:Rat |
Top Speed | Top Speed:25 kph, (16 mph) | Top Speed:13 kph, (8 mph) |
Height | Height:22 cm, (8.7 in ) | Height:n/a |
Weight | Weight:1 kg, (2 lbs) | Weight:n/a |
Lifespan in Wild (years) | Lifespan in Wild (years):4 | Lifespan in Wild (years):3 |
Description | Description:Gophers are small brown or tan mammals that live under the ground and eat roots. They have long front teeth and chubby cheeks. They are known for creating mounds of dirt where they have been. | Description:Norway rats were once native to brushy areas and forests of China. Through trade, it was introduced to Europe. With the explosion of human population, rats made their way to every home they were able to. They are have brown fur and are sometimes called “brown rats”. |
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