Which is slower, a Gemsbok or a Jaguar?

Answer : A Gemsbok is slower than a Jaguar
A Gemsbok has an average top speed of 60 kph, (37 mph) and for a Jaguar it is 80 kph, (50 mph)
Top SpeedTop Speed:60 kph, (37 mph)Top Speed:80 kph, (50 mph)
HeightHeight:120 cm, (3 ft, 11.2 in )Height:70 cm, (2 ft, 3.6 in )
WeightWeight:200 kg, (441 lbs)Weight:75 kg, (165 lbs)
Lifespan in Wild (years)Lifespan in Wild (years):18Lifespan in Wild (years):12
DescriptionDescription:The gemsbok is a type of very large antelope. It has straight horns which form a sharp V. They are native to southern African deserts.Description:Jaguars share similarities with Leopards, like spots patterned on their fur. They are muscular and known for having the most powerful bites of all cats. They are also really fast, and are great swimmers.
Top Speed:60 kph, (37 mph)
Height:120 cm, (3 ft, 11.2 in )
Weight:200 kg, (441 lbs)
Lifespan in Wild (years):18
Description:The gemsbok is a type of very large antelope. It has straight horns which form a sharp V. They are native to southern African deserts.
Top Speed:80 kph, (50 mph)
Height:70 cm, (2 ft, 3.6 in )
Weight:75 kg, (165 lbs)
Lifespan in Wild (years):12
Description:Jaguars share similarities with Leopards, like spots patterned on their fur. They are muscular and known for having the most powerful bites of all cats. They are also really fast, and are great swimmers.

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