Name | Name:Wolverine | Name:Otter |
Top Speed | Top Speed:48 kph, (30 mph) | Top Speed:11 kph, (7 mph) |
Height | Height:40 cm, (1 ft, 3.7 in ) | Height:90 cm, (2 ft, 11.4 in ) |
Weight | Weight:20 kg, (44 lbs) | Weight:30 kg, (66 lbs) |
Lifespan in Wild (years) | Lifespan in Wild (years):6 | Lifespan in Wild (years):23 |
Description | Description:Wolverines are bear-like mammals in the tundra and forests of North America and Northern Eurasia. They are usually brown or brownish-black, striped with yellow or gold from the crown of the head to the shoulders. They have sharp and semi-retractable claws. They are excellent climbers, and skilled swimmers. | Description:Sea Otters are marine mammals in the waters of the northern and eastern Pacific. They have the warmest and thickest coat of fur of all animals and also have a waterproof outer layer. They are omnivores that feast on aquatic plants and seaweeds. |
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