Answer : An Elephant is faster than a Bison
The average top speed of a Bison is 35 kph, (22 mph) and for an Elephant it is 40 kph, (25 mph)
Name | Name:Bison | Name:Elephant |
Top Speed | Top Speed:35 kph, (22 mph) | Top Speed:40 kph, (25 mph) |
Height | Height:250 cm, (8 ft, 2.4 in ) | Height:285 cm, (9 ft, 4.2 in ) |
Weight | Weight:1150 kg, (2535 lbs) | Weight:4500 kg, (9921 lbs) |
Lifespan in Wild (years) | Lifespan in Wild (years):17 | Lifespan in Wild (years):62 |
Description | Description:Bison are similar to Buffalo and are the largest members of the Cow family. They are also the largest animals in North America. They are brown or tan, eat grass, and have a history of being hunted to the point of endangerment. | Description:Elephants are large, with grey leathery skin. They are social animals with fan like ears and very long trunks for noses. They are able to use their trunks for a variety of purposes, just as though they were hands. |
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