Answer : No, an Orangutan is taller than an Oryx
For an Oryx the average height is 120 cm, (3 ft, 11.2 in ) and for an Orangutan it is 138 cm, (4 ft, 6.3 in )
Name | Name:Oryx | Name:Orangutan |
Height | Height:120 cm, (3 ft, 11.2 in ) | Height:138 cm, (4 ft, 6.3 in ) |
| * Gemsbok - ranges from 115 to 125cm | * ranges from 125 to 150cm |
Weight | Weight:210 kg, (463 lbs) | Weight:70 kg, (154 lbs) |
Top Speed | Top Speed:60 kph, (37 mph) | Top Speed:6 kph, (4 mph) |
Lifespan in Wild (years) | Lifespan in Wild (years):18 | Lifespan in Wild (years):35 |
Description | Description:Gemsboks are oryx which live on steep ridges in south eastern Africa. They have very high survival rates and can live in barren, stony plains with limited water access. They show aggressivness to win mates. The male’s long, curved horns are used for fencing and sidelong jabs. | Description:Orangutans the only apes that live outside of Africa. They are adept climbers, with long arms to swing from one branch to another, and live most of their lives in the trees. Males use their throat pouches to produce deep, long calls to attract females and intimidate enemies. They are an orangish brown in color. |
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