Answer : A Gopher is shorter than a Sloth
The average height of a Sloth is 76 cm, (2 ft, 5.9 in ) while the average height of a Gopher is 22 cm, (8.7 in )
Name | Name:Sloth | Name:Gopher |
Height | Height:76 cm, (2 ft, 5.9 in ) | Height:22 cm, (8.7 in ) |
| * Hoffman's Two Toed Sloth - ranges from 61 to 91cm | * ranges from 12 to 30cm |
Weight | Weight:6 kg, (13 lbs) | Weight:1 kg, (2 lbs) |
Top Speed | Top Speed:24 kph, (15 mph) | Top Speed:25 kph, (16 mph) |
Lifespan in Wild (years) | Lifespan in Wild (years):17 | Lifespan in Wild (years):4 |
Description | Description:Hoffman’s two-toed sloth lives in tropical forest trees of Nicaragua, Peru, Central Brazil, and northern South America. They spend their lives hanging upside down: eating, sleeping, mating, and even giving birth in an upside down position. Walking is not in their nature, so they only crawl when on ground. | Description:Gophers are small brown or tan mammals that live under the ground and eat roots. They have long front teeth and chubby cheeks. They are known for creating mounds of dirt where they have been. |
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Name:Sloth |
Height:76 cm, (2 ft, 5.9 in ) |
* Hoffman's Two Toed Sloth - ranges from 61 to 91cm |
Weight:6 kg, (13 lbs) |
Top Speed:24 kph, (15 mph) |
Lifespan in Wild (years):17 |
Description:Hoffman’s two-toed sloth lives in tropical forest trees of Nicaragua, Peru, Central Brazil, and northern South America. They spend their lives hanging upside down: eating, sleeping, mating, and even giving birth in an upside down position. Walking is not in their nature, so they only crawl when on ground. |